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  地址:中国北京市丰台区角门北路10号, NO 10, Jiaomen Beilu, Beijing 100068, China

  电话:+86 10 87569046

  Urology of Beijing Boai hospital (including urology department and Nero-urology department) is one of the key departments of Beijing Boai hospital. Our department is characterized by nerourology and urodynamics, founded on general urinary surgery, found in 1988, reformed in 2002, developed rapidly and maked a spurt of progress,An integrated subject system is formd.。Including two department (department of urology and department of Nero-urology) , four examination center (video-urodynamic examination center, Pelvic electrical physiology center,endoscope treatment center,Sexual function treatment center, two laboratory (nerourology and urodynamics laboratory, Pelvic electrical physiology laboratory). Our department is finely staffed with 15 doctors,7 with senior clinical academic titles,4with intermediate, 4 with junior titles, 3 technician and two nurse-units.

  Scholar leader, department director, PHD, Botanic physician, professor of Capital medical university, deputy director Capital medical university urology system, Dr. Limin Liao. Lecture core curriculums in Capital medical university urology system every year, train Doctoral candidate and Master Degree Candidate of Rehabilitation medicine professional, finishing clinical training, research topics and thesis writing, publish SCI papers, and achieve Doctor and Master degree, Two Doctoral candidate was trained associated with The United States University of Pittsburgh.

  Based on the disciplinary development and our rehabilitation center, we take the Neuro-urology and urodyanmics as the scientific feature, diagnose and treatment of neurogenic bladder and the mini-invasive endoscope technology as the development direction. We make progress by the scientific outlook on development. Driving integrated with characteristics, features a comprehensive strengthening of coordinated development; Combined with research and post-doc education, we are constantly forming new advantages.

  Our center takes Neuro-urology lab, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, Capital Medical University as the core. Based on China Rehabilitation Research Center and Institute of China Rehabilitation Science, we closely cooperated with urology lab, pharmacology lab, and gerontology lab of University of Pittsburgh. By the funding of “National 11th five-year plan, the 12th five-year science and technology support project”, we will form the virtuous circle of research and reach the new level of the scientific research and teaching.
